WhatsApp has rolled out a slew of updates on both Android and iOS platforms. But these updates are mostly restricted to the beta versions, which means only a handful of users who are a part of the developer beta programme on both Android and iOS platforms are able to use the features available under these updates. One of these updates is the ability to secure the chats using fingerprint lock available on almost every Android phone and iPhone models that were launched recently. Moreover, iPhone X or higher have even an advanced level of biometric security that uses Face ID, instead of Touch ID, which is the counterpart for fingerprint lock on iOS.
Currently, WhatsApp lock for Touch ID and Face ID are available to the users in the stable channel while the same feature is under the beta programme for Android users. Here’s how you can secure your chats on both the platforms to stop any possible snooping by people who would just randomly open your WhatsApp chats and pry into your private life.
On iOS:
- Go to the Settings tab inside WhatsApp on your iPhone. Make sure you are using the WhatsApp version 2.19.20
- Now, navigate to the Privacy section under Settings
- Scroll down to Screen Lock and toggle it on
- If your iPhone has Touch ID, it will be activated for WhatsApp and if there is Face ID, your face will unlock WhatsApp chats
On Android:
- Jump to the WhatsApp Settings on your Android phone. The WhatsApp version you should be using is 2.19.221.
- Go to Account section now
- Now, tap on Privacy and scroll to the last option, which is Fingerprint lock
- Tap on it and enable it on your phone. You will be asked to confirm that you want to use your phone’s fingerprint sensor to lock/unlock WhatsApp by tapping your registered finger once on the sensor
There is a caveat to enabling this biometric solution on your WhatsApp though. The notifications will still appear in the default manner and people near you or holding your phone in their hand may see the content of the messages. To avoid this, you need to change the notification settings to hide previews of the message on both iOS and Android.
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